Monday, 29 March 2010


It has been long time to continue post under the tag "Natural Leader can be winner" or .." The winner must not win always". As I m a management student holding the degree B.B.A..  It has been by passionate work to write about management. But for that purpose , i mean for proper management one need to have a proper leader, Who holds the natural ability to lead. & in any case he leads the team in a proper direction.
So we had been discussing following points.

  • You must learn from your defeats.

  • You have lost forever, once u leave the field.

  • The captain must know how to step back.


Preface:- ( Dedicated to the students.)As we are going to talk about the 2nd point of above given elements of leadership. It's very necessary to discuss about this point. Not according to leadership only, but because of the happenings sarroundings too. Its the problem of most resent times as the future of our nation, The students are commiting sucides. Its just because of the threat of going through the exames. & The parents, or their nearest people & even media used to blame the education system. But do you think Is it over to blam the education system? & if so, you should not try to change the education system as it is developed for thousands of students. But i must say that if the student want to pass on tough way, he must go through the exames once he feel the education system tough. Because today you know that it is the education system which is taking your exames. But in the future, you will have to pass through tougher situations. & for that no system has been located. & temme whom will you blam?

From the experience of my life , i can say that one has to passs through tough situations in life more than your educational exames. The system is located by the God (For the rationalists  i.e. The power, how controls the world)  himself . No optional questions are there in that situations. For all of them you must act or react. It can be for your family members too. But as they belongs to you , one must has to pass the tougher conditions in terms to provide them social security.
The things all above i want to say that , hey students please don's commit sucide or stop yourself by taking any unreallistic steps. You are precious for your parents , this society & for this nation too. Pass through the exames though which will advance your standard. & Get the degree with your excellence. I have to say this as I found this point totally relative to my post " You have lost forever, once you leave the field". Yes , once you will take any unfair step , you are leaving field in that case. You are taking drops, your commiting sucides or run away from your family anything. & once you leave the field, You wont have any chance to win forver. I want to write especially for the students who commits sucide from the threat of the situations. Dear, once you will loose your life , you have lost the battle. If you will be there , it can be chane for you to win. There are so many examples of students who commited sucide after giving one or two papers. & ofcourse they board will release the marksheet of that papers submitted for that perticular subject exames. (though it will be the marksheet of Failure as the rest of the papers have not been given) , The family found more than 65 % numbers in the subject which the sucider was threaten off. But its the matter after life has lost. No wonder if he might had got bright future in another field , if he was alive.
So please it's the matter of being there always. You can get any chance in life. You must wait for the time. There are so many examples too , who cant do anything after getting their desired degree or prefession. & There are so many examples who have done so many things, advanced to the top without degree. The God decides the way how will go thorugh. Its just the matter of time.  I would like to write a sentence which i heard from my trainer during my industrial visit of NDDB at ANAND.
"Under the every ailment of the sun, There is a remedy or there is none. If there is one, try to find it. & If there is none, never mind it.."

The all the students must keep this sentence in their mind. There is no problem is there in this world, which doesn't has solution. & If you don't find any solution, just keep mum, never mind it. Because sometimes it may be possible that the God himself want you to prove yourself in another & better way. So whichever condition it is, please keep cool. & wait for the time. If you want the mango, you can't get it in winter or in rain naturally. But to take the taste of mango , one must has to wait till summer. In gujarati also it's said that "Dhiraj na fal mitha". If you will keep cool & watchful , it will be fruitful to you.
So dear youngstars..
Next time we will go for this point, how it is fruitful to the leaders..?
Till than , i would like you to mummle.. the following..isn't is true??

When you try to implement some innovative strategies. You need to face three stages..

Insult... Only fools stop here

Opposition.... Only loosers stop here

& Acceptance....Only winners cross it..

Friday, 19 March 2010


As said before there are few aspects which can lead you to the success. It may vary from these too.  But the aspects given below are must for anyone who want to get success. Followed by being "WELL EXPERIENCED" & "DOWN TO EARTH"... We had to discuss the following aspects..

  • You must learn from your defeats.

  • You have lost forever, once u leave the field.

  • The captain must know how to step back.


Learning from defeats always need the POSITIVE ATTITUDE. In all aspects you need to keep the POSITIVE ATTITUDE rather.. But perticularly when you are loosing. If you are getting defeats per defeats, you must try in right directions to win. And for that you must work with keeping POSITIVE ATTITUDE. However there are so many saying about positive attidude.

" A glass filled half of water .must be called .. half filledup. rather half empty..."

But today i need to share an example of positive attitude of a student in MBA exames ...

"It was a time when all universities running MBA programs used to take open enterence  exames  for edmissions in MBA program. & for that every students had to deal with the written, group discussion & personal interview. One student who passed the written & group discussion through, went for personal interview. The interviewer gave him two choices.A hard question  or  5 simple questions. The interviewee choose to deal with the hard question. The table between the interviewer & interviewee was round shaped.

Interviewer.." What is the length of this table?"

Interviewee:" Sir, it's 10 feet long"

Interviewer:" How can u say that.."

Interviewee:" Thats not my business now, i m bond to reply just only 1  question."

I think now i need not to inform you that the interviewee got the admission with highest marks in the personal interview.

To get such a bold Positive Attitude.. You must act like two ways. "Act as if you are the king of this world.. or Act like .. as if you dont bother whoever is the king." ..  

When you are loosing, you will get so many critics. There is an english movie named "The history of world", in which a scene is very nice. In that movie the life of before years of human beings has been consived very good way. There is a scene there.

"A man is making some scraches by a stone on a rock. The sound at that time from the back ground is.. " Here is the first artist of the world".. after few minutes, when he completes that drawing. A man comes there & make a piss over that so called painting( actually its just scraches made by stones). The sound form the back ground " Here we present you the first critics of the world".

The spirit of the theme is whatever time is there. In past years when the world wasn't grown up , or the world was growing up. or the world is well progressed now. The critics always has been there. And without critics you can't enjoy progress too. As we are from worlds biggest democracy, We always have been known about the oppositions, who plays best critics. & To make very healthy atmosphere of  competition, you must need an opposition or critics.So your positive attitude will help you to face the criticism of the world. As you will get defeats you will learn urself that the defeat you got was lack of what? & after knowing your limitations, you will accept it & in next  step you will rectify your limitations. & that will help you to advance the race of life.
So POSITIVE ATTITUDE & FACING THE CRITICISM helps you to realise the dialouge of the movie "AAINA".. 

"In which Two sisters are there. Elder is Amrita Singh who is so confident about her attitude & Juhi Chawla plays the younger sis . she is full of inferiority complex. Amrita Singh always used to win against Juhi. But in the climex of the movie, in one game Juhi used to win. The dialouge between them at that time ..

Amrita singh:" Tu aaj pahli baar mujse jiti hai"

Juhi chawla:" Haarte haarte sikh gayee hu didi"

So all i have to say, if you want to creat self confidence to face your critics & win the game , you must have POSITIVE ATTITUDE.  In any case & stage of life , you must maintain it. If you don't have it then you must change your attitude & switch it to Positive. Because

"If you give numeric value to the alphabets .. 1 to A, 2.. to B...... 26 to Z.. & if you spell Money, Power or anything . & will get the total of that numeric values. you will get different values. But you make the addition of the numeric values of the spelling of ATTITUDE.. will get the sum of 100."

Above all , i would like to say that  change your  ATTITUDE if you want to get 100% success , LEARN FROM YOUR DEFEATS & WIN THE GAME.....

(In the next post we will discuss about one more element concerned with this . i.e. Once you leave the field, you have lost forever..)

Thought of the day...

Attitude has 100% value alphabetically. So to get 100% sucess " Change your Attitude"